Submissions Policy
We are happy to receive submissions for FLAME TREE PRESS, the author-led, fiction imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. The Press list focuses on new novels in horror, supernatural, sci-fi and fantasy, with award-winning authors and original voices.
1. Fiction
We are a trade-publishing house (that is, we publish books for general readers which are made available through all channels in the book trade). We are generally interested in SF, fantasy, horror and supernatural, for our FLAME TREE PRESS list.
We are looking for novels in the range of 70,000 to 120,000 words.
Please note that our preference is for completely new novels, previously unpublished in any form; however if you would still like to submit a previously released title (which you retain the rights for), we might consider it.
We only accept short stories for specific anthologies which are announced on our website, our blog and through Facebook, Twitter and Google.
2. General Guidelines
It is an advantage, but not essential, to show that you have published work in magazines, websites or other online publications which are relevant to your area of interest or expertise.
It is not necessary to use a literary agent.
Please email your work to submissions@flametreepress.com, and include:
- A synopsis of no more than 3 paragraphs.
- The word count.
- The whole manuscript, in .doc, .docx or .rtf formats.
- Please include your name and email address on the manuscript itself.
- A writer’s CV with a summary of previous publications/awards, recognition for your work by institutions or other parties.
- To avoid any conflict of interest, please tell us if you have also sent your manuscript elsewhere.
Response times: We will acknowledge receipt within one working week. We hope to make a judgement about publication within two months, depending on the season and number of titles submitted overall. Our editorial board tries to make regular contact with our community of writers, even if publication of an individual manuscript has not been agreed. We try to be positive and encourage writers as much as possible, especially new authors.
Generally speaking we expect to publish simultaneous hardcover, paperback and ebook editions to the trade market, online and retail stores, and library markets. We cannot guarantee levels of sales but will work hard to promote and advocate for the books we publish.
We use industry standard royalty contracts, with a reasonable view on electronic rights. We do not pay generous advances but expect to work with the author to market their work effectively.
3. Contact
Our full contact details can be found here. If you’d like to keep up to date with our news and special offers, please use the sign-up forms here. We publish a regular newsletter with flash fiction, pre-publication offers and other exclusives.
Please send queries and manuscripts to submissions@flametreepress.com.
4. Newsletter | Flash Fiction Guidelines
- Authors submitting must sign up to the Flame Tree Fiction Newsletter, here.
- Submission window announced in each Newsletter, and on social media, at the beginning of each month. Usually one horror, one sci-fi, one fantasy. Themes to be announced each month.*
- Submit by email to flash2024@flametreepublishing.com. Preferred format is .doc, .docx or .rtf, double-spaced, with author email at the top of the first page.
- Use the story theme as the subject heading on your email.
- Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but they must be sent in separate emails.
- Add full author details at the end of the story, to include published work, influences, hometown and social media links.
- Only original, unpublished work, will be considered (although we do accept reprints for our short story anthologies submissions). The story may be reprinted elsewhere, but only after its initial publication in the newsletter.
- 1000 word count. We allow a strict range from 700-1000 words. Please indicate word count at the top of the submission.
- Submission window usually 2 weeks. Confirmation will be made in the form of acceptance or (polite!) rejection.
- Successful authors will receive a simple contract for the primary purpose of publication in the newsletter, and possible publication in a later printed form. Payment will be $0.08 / £0.06 per word (SFWA qualifying market rate).
- Once the contract is signed by the author and Flame Tree, payment will be made in 30 days by Paypal, (to reduce costs of money transfer for both parties). Alternative arrangements can be made if necessary.
- *February 2025: SYNTHETIC SOULS
- Genre: Sci-Fi
- Deadline: 16th February 2025
Good luck, and thank you...